I’m a social media & digital marketing strategist helping female-driven business owners and service providers take aligned and sustainable action for their business in the online space to see long-term success.

Throughout my years of experience, I’ve not only worked with hundreds of business owners from large corporate brands to fast-growing start ups and everyone in-between. I’ve been the full-time marketing employee in the corporate world, to the freelancer in the digital space and now I’m running The Social Collective to do things a little differently.

In all my preview roles I’ve noticed many business owners throwing their time, money and resources at singular digital platforms, with no strategy, leaving them and falling short of their desired goals, leaving their marketing efforts disjointed, less effective and inconsistent.

I’m on a mission to change that by supporting business owners with strategic forward planning and bringing in my marketing crew to implement your business game plan, the HOLISTIC way.

Welcome, it’s great to meet you!